Thursday, January 14, 2021

Evaluation of diploma in Ukraine


What is the evaluation? It is a confirmation of the educational degree of your diploma. Such demands to the document are put forward by Canada and USA.

Original of a diploma and official transcript containing the list of subjects of study and received marks, obtained by you in Ukrainian Higher educational institution, should be translated into English and evaluated by professors of the country, which you are going to visit.

Why isn’t the Apostille appropriate for this purpose? Because educational system in the states of North America differs from European standards as well as from Ukrainian ones. These countries do not have degrees of Junior specialist and Bachelor. At the completion of their education, graduating students obtain the degree, which may be equated to the Master’s degree.

Here is no such thing as extramural education. So, you have to be ready that your diploma may be considered to be underqualified because of extramural mode of study. The best that you can hope for is include for the Bachelor Degree or 2,5 years of study. Evaluation helps in such disputable situations

and shows the conformity of documents with established norms of above mentioned states.

In which events evaluation of diploma in Ukraine should be performed 

If you want to study, work or live in America, you have to bring your diploma into conformity with standards and requirements of these countries.

This procedure is necessary for:

  • submitting of documents for receiving a permission for permanent residency. You will not be able to confirm your qualification in the process of job search without evaluation
  • participation in employment program; under its terms, everyone must have such document;
  • obtaining a position in state institutions;
  • admission to a college or higher education institution of USA of Canada.

Is it necessary to undergo a procedure of evaluation?

American universities usually require the confirmation of the educational degree of diploma from foreign applicants. Exceptions are uncommon. Nevertheless, they happen. You don’t have to undergo the evaluation in the following events:

  • entrance into one of the top American universities. Such universities have their own experts, who are competent on this subject. You have to submit only officially certified documents, translation of them and the transcript;
  • entrance into a university, that considers your previous education as not really important. If you choose such educational institution, please take your time to examine the information about it. Level of its competency leaves much to be desired;
  • employment. Your employer will rather assess your attainments and skills than a list with grades. But each event is independent. It would be better if you elaborated the necessity of evaluation before leaving your home country.   

How to provide the evaluation of diploma obtained in Ukraine

There are two official ways to confirm the degree of your diploma. First of them is suitable for those people, who is going to find employment. To your document will be assigned a specific status, and you will receive one more documents attached to it, which specifies the educational degree in America it corresponds to.

Second way is acceptable to future students. It’s exact name is «Course-by-course». Method of evaluation is complicated enough and include the range of procedures:

  • Apostilization of your diploma in the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine;
  • Official transcript of academic records;
  • Translation of documents with notary certification;
  • Transfer of documents to WES (American organization, which performs the verification);
  • Report on diploma;
  • Receiveing of a report from WES.

Surely, this procedure lasts much longer than just one day and takes a lot of time and strengths. Handling such issues on your own means loss of your calm and sleep. It would be better for you to delegate this task to experts and to save your nerves and health.

Translation Agency «Derzhpereklad» offers highly qualified evaluation services within short terms. Please send your applications with email specified on our website, or call:


We are always glad to help you!

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