Monday, July 9, 2018

Canada – on stage!

Modern world entered an age of instability. Hard-to-solve contradictions appear almost in all social and political spheres of life of whole regions and continents. There are few countries in the modern world which are not susceptible to crisis.
One of such countries is Canada. This country is an example of the constant and meticulously planned development. Today Canada is one of the most convenient places to live though it doesn’t strive for the world leadership. High pace of economic development is complemented by the harmonic evolution of its infrastructure.
Millions of immigrants from all over the world try to get to Canada. But unlike Europe the immigration process in Canada is rigidly regulated. The authorities think in advance about the number and qualification of the specialists which are necessary for country economics, the number of refugees who can be accepted in the country. No immigration crisis, no chaos.
The government is aimed at active settlement of Atlantic provinces, special programs for the next 5-10 years are being developed. The process is controlled. The conditions of immigration to Atlantic provinces are well-defined like rules of road traffic.

If it’s impossible to predict the results of the project the pilot programs are implemented. Such program can be stopped or can be changed in the process of realization. It seems that it’s very difficult but in fact it runs like clockwork.
Why I tell all this is because it’s obvious that Canada becomes one of the most highly organized country in the world. 

Features of the Translation of Religious Texts

The key features of the translation of religious texts are associated with the fact that an enormous number of such texts were written many ...